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If your not on the edge, you're taking up space

If your not on the edge, you're taking up space

Upcoming ORR Events:

Big Bend Open Road Race
Past; next race TBA
We have 20 guests online

Favorite TPR Speed Class


2018 TPR Sponsoship

katch environmental logo

We wish to thank Katch Environmental for sponsoring Team Pantera Racing in this year's Sandhills Open Road Challenge and Silver State Classic Challenge.  This marks their fourth year of sponsorship.

2023 Silver State Recap PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 18 August 2024 14:50
In 2023 No Pantera's entered so this was a year of 'back up cars' for TPR.
Results are/were
1. Jim Wallace/Mark Skwarek in a 2005 BMW M3 Coupe 
Finished in 4th place with a 139.8724 Mph Average
2. Russ (aka Snake) Russell in a 2015 Corvette C7 Z51 Coupe
Finished but did not place with a 107.6192 Mph Average
3.  Lee Peterson in a 2021 Widebody Dodge Challenger 
Finished but did not place with a 110.7638 Mph Average 
4.    Bjoern Flesland in  a 2001 Lamborghini Diablo
Finished but did not place with a 149.9567 Mph Average
5.    Mad Dawg Antenucci in a 2021 C8 Z51 Coupe
Finished but did not place with a 112.6341 Mph Average
Notable as usual was Peter "the German" Menyhart, Chris Terp,  and Asa Jay Laughton. Asa once again drove all the way down from Spokane and shared driving my C8 to and from Ely. And once again did the work on my Pantera that allowed me to run because without him I could of never made it.....We once again spent a night going to Ely in Reno and one more night leaving to head back home to Brookings with Russ. 2023 was the year of no drama and no major issues. I just did not do a good job on sponsors or sign ups.
MD, better late then never, enjoy these photos from the event.

Jim Wallace with BMW

Salt Flats trip

Jim Wallace







IMG 5189


Last Updated on Sunday, 18 August 2024 16:18
2021 Silver State Classic Challenge re-cap PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 07 October 2021 18:20

See more about the Silver State Classic Challenge here.

What a way to come out of the funk that was the year 2020!  A memorable event was had by all at this year's Silver State Classic Challenge event for Team Pantera Racing.  Despite the sad news of Bob Radefeld passing some weeks prior, the team came to the race with happiness to be together, have fun and race some cars.

Two Panteras started, two Panteras finished.

Mark and Dennis

Dennis "Mad Dog" Antenucci and his Crew Chief Asa Jay (AJ) Laughton were the first to arrive Wednesday, September 15, with Dennis' beautiful black Pantera.  Asa had spent much of the summer doing catch-up maintenance on Dennis' car to include many parts replacements for safety as well as fuel supply and ignition.  With some help from his tuner Richard Clewett, the car was running better than it has been in three years.  After some road testing, Dennis was comfortable enough to enter the 140 class.



Dennis "Mad Dog" Antenucci


Meanwhile Lee Pedersen arrived in his 2021 wide-body Dodge Challenger the same evening.  Lee's Pantera is currently waiting an engine rebuild that was not done in time for the event.  Better to run a non-Pantera than push to have everything done so close to the race.  Lee brought along his lovely wife Mali who we all chipped in to welcome.

Paul Katchadourian again brought his Viper and coming off the Sandhills Open Road Challenge, Mark Skwarek arrived Thursday evening with his orange Pantera.

Gerry Romack also came in though he flew to Las Vegas and rented a car to be with the team.  It's always a pleasure to have Gerry bring his Pantera wisdom.  And again, we had Peter Menyhart arrive, this year in his Mercedes, to help do parts runs or this year... drink and candy runs. 


From left-to-right:  Gerry Romack, Dennis Antenucci,
Paul Katchadourian, Peter Menyhart, Mark Skwarek


There were multiple highlights of the event this year.  The first was that no Pantera, no car, no trailer or tow rig broke down or needed work.  The entire team was free to visit, tour the town, take a train ride and generally relax for three days prior to the race. 

Mark decided to take it down a notch this year and enter the 145 class, while Paul kept at it in the 160. Our Rookie, Lee, entered the 105 class which gave him a much better chance of taking home a trophy against only five other cars instead of 20.  Each car passed tech inspection without trouble and was kept clean, dry, and servicable the entire weekend up to race day on Sunday.  After what turned out to be a relatively short driver's meeting, the team gathered for their final Ely dinner at Mr. G's Italian restuarant.


Clockwise around the table:  Lee Pedersen, Peter Menyhart, Mark Skwarek, Paul Katchadourian, Dennis Antenucci, Gerry Romack, Asa Jay Laughton
Photo credit, Mali Pedersen

Sunday was a great day for racing.  The weather was cool and comfortable all through the end of the race.  The race itself was mostly non-eventful with only one breakdown on course due to a blown tire. The driver and car were both okay after a bit of talented recovery.  As far as Panteras?  We know they both started, and finished.


First in was Paul in the 155 class, again making the distinction of fastest in his class (which doesn't net you a trophy).  Next was Mark in his orange Pantera.  In the finish pits, Mark figured he was off time by about three or four seconds.  That much can make the difference between first place, and last.  Things didn't look good.  Next was Dennis in his Black Pantera, coming in a bit early, one car ahead of lineup. In fact, Dennis took fastest in class again this year, but not by much.  Last in were Lee and Mali in the Challenger.  They had a difficult time getting their timing coordinated until the last five to ten miles of the course.  For their first time, never having done this before, they didn't end up too badly at all.


Mark Skwarek


Mark after a great run at 145 MPH

Once the race was over, everyone headed to Las Vegas for the awards banquet.  Good food and good company greeted us there.  We even had the chance to say hi to Owen Green, a Team Pantera Racing enthusiast and supporter, someone we welcome to chat with during the event.

When it came down to awards, it was smiles and bonuses all around.

Did we mention the event t-shirt this year had Mark's orange Pantera in the foreground?  A yellow Pantera sat in the background and Mark's took center stage.  Because of this, Team Pantera Racing probably purchased near $500 in t-shirts for friends and family and a few folks on the Detomaso email forum.  I think it safe to say the event had awesome t-shirt sales this year.


To cap off the fact Mark's Pantera was all over the event, Mark actually took third place and really was off by four seconds.  First and second place were off by less than a half a second, but the fourth entry in the class ended up 13 seconds off.  It does pay to be in a class with fewer entries.  It turns out Mark's timing was where he thought it was.  Next time, he'll do even better.  Mark's Speed Trap top speed came out to be 156.7 MPH.

MarkAward1 MarkAward2

No one else in the team took home a trophy, but we all had a great time.

Mad Dog averaged 143 MPH (in the 140 class) and was off time by 51 seconds.  His Speed Trap result was 152.3.

Paul Katchadourian averaged 156 in the 155 class and was off time by only 22 seconds.  His Speed Trap result was 165.8

Lee Pedersen and Mali averaged 104.8 and were off time by only 4.3 seconds which put them into fifth place out of six entries.  Third place this year was off by 2.1 seconds and change.  In their first year, it was hard for Lee and Mali to recognize the Speed Trap, so they ended up with a 101.4 top speed; still in triple digits and they bumped it to make the final average of 104.

A fantastic time was has by everyone this year.  It's awesome to have a year when nothing really goes wrong, some of the team get trophies and everyone goes home with a smile.  2021, was all that and more.


Which brings us to Awards for 2021

The Iron Man Award goes to Mark Skwarek for completing both the SORC (along with good friend Jim Wallace) and SSCC, winning third Place at SSCC in 2021

The Gary Hall Memorial goes to Major Roy (Bullet) Laughton for being himself despite not being able to make it to Ely this year, -and- for sponsoring the Team Pantera Racing dinner for 2021

The SOBill Award goes to Crew Chief Asa Jay Laughton for continuously coming to the Silver State Classic Challenge even after selling his own Pantera in 2016; always providing help or advice as needed (even if unrequested).

Congratulations to this year's winners, you all deserve the accolades.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 December 2021 10:11
2021 SSCC and Tribute to Bob Radefeld PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 06 September 2021 08:34

The Silver State Classic Challenge (SSCC) for 2021 starts off for Team Pantera Racing with both happiness and sadness.  Mark Skwarek and Jim Wallace successfuly campaigned Mark's orange Pantera in the Sandhills Open Road Challenge (SORC), only to find out about a week later that a good friend and Team Pantera Racing ambassador, Bob Radefeld, had passed away.

Bob was an intrumental influence in bringing Panteras to the SORC.  He was a regular participant himself, along with a small cadre of cohorts from around the region. Bob did a lot to keep the Pantera alive in the hearts and minds of the public and his efforts were always greatly appreciated. Bob ran a beautiful red Pantera GTS that was just as comfortable on the street as it was on an open road race course.  His smile could be infectious and he always had a kind word for others. Bob will be missed by his family and his extended Pantera brethren.

To honor Bob's life, Team Pantera Racing has created a special event decal commemorating his time with us.  All TPR members will be wearing this decal on their car for this year's SSCC.

Bobsmile BobMemorials

As for the SSCC Race itself, we have at least two confirmed Panteras showing up, and possibly a third.  Along with the team will be some returning veterans and a new face or two.  Veteran Pete Beckham will be bringing a Shelby GT350 instead of his Pantera, while a new recruit who wasn't able to get his Pantera ready in time, will be bringing his wide-body late model Challenger.  Mark Swarek and Dennis Antenucci are both racing their award winning Pantera's, each of them having prepped, tuned and tested their cars at speed and are ready for this year's event.

Mark will be sporting some brand new wheels, while Dennis Antenucci still waits for his; instead, Dennis will be running his Campy clones in Gold as he did in 2019.   Both Panteras are wicked fast and they have the right drivers to tame those wild Panthers.

Markwheels ItbWilds

Along with the racers, the normal group of support crew are also set to show up for the event this year, including Peter Menyhart, Asa Jay Laughton, and joined this year by Gerry Romack who would race his Panter except it's not yet ready again for a road race.

TPR has a good number of folks taking over the Hotel Nevada this year and are ready to have a good time.  They'll be sure to have a dinner in memory of Bob and drink a toast to his varied and fantastic life spent with the team.

We hope to see you there as well.



Last Updated on Thursday, 07 October 2021 18:27
2021 SORC PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 14 August 2021 19:13

Watch more information about the SORC and see Mark start the race at the one hour - fity-minute mark.

Some quick photos from our teammates Mark Skwarek and Jim Wallace at the Sandhills Open Road Challenge





Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 December 2021 10:06
2021 - The Year of Racing Redemption PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 07 March 2021 08:17


And now my friend, the first-a rule of Italian driving... 
What's-a behind me is not important.

Franco - Gumball Rally


The year of 2020 is in the rear view mirror and we've ripped it from it's mount and tossed it from the car.


All three Silver State Challenge events are back on schedule for 2021!

The new Nevada Open Road Challenge (NORC) is now a two-way run instead of the traditional one-way, taking place the same traditional weekend in May.  Ahead of the NORC however, is the Chihuahua Express Road race in Mexico in April.  Finishing up the year will be the Silver State Classic Challenge (SSCC) held on the traditional dates in September.  It's now time to get out of the bunkers, juice up the race cars and get serious about carbon emissions.

As part of your prep work, make sure to download the event rules, regulations, tech inspection details and more, from the Silver State Classic web site.

Big Bend Open Road Race (BBORR) and Sandhills Open Road Challenge (SORC) are ON!

See their web sites for more details, links are in the left sidebar.

Back in the day, open road races could see up to 14 Panteras and the occasional Mangusta.  It's too bad so many of those slackers let themselves get old.  There's nothing like triple digit speeds for up to an hour on an open highway closed to the public, letting the horsepower run free and wild. Where coyotes, jackelopes and raptors can't stand in the way of a good run on a long stretch of road.  Only the hearty, the brave and those with some fear dare tread those hallowed grounds at speed in a Pantera.  Not many are left who have the balls to race, win, and brag about it.

A Mangusta hasn't been seen for decades at any of these races and it's time for one to step up, be seen and remind the public what a sexy machine a Mangusta can be.

This year the PANTERA is the featured marque at all three Silver State Classic Open Road Races, that means the Pantera will be featured on all event shirts for the NORC, Chihuahua Express, and Silver State Classic Chalenge in 2021. There will also be some other surprises this year. Some new faces, some new build sheets and at least one long time SS Veteran who hasn't run in a Pantera in about 20+ years.

Currently we can reveal the following veteran members and others who are on tap and on schedule to be running the two-way NORC in May:

  • Dennis (Mad Dog) Antenucci with an updated and re-tuned EFI, hoping to work out 140 MPH.
  • Randy (no longer a Silver State Rookie) Grubb, hoping to best Dennis in the 140 class.  The more Panteras in the same class, the better.
  • Ransom Sanders with a daily driver, modified (proper color?) Yellow Pantera.  Ransom will be running Rookie this year, as long as we all pitch in to make it happen like we always do.
  • Lee Peterson, another Rookie with a Pantera, but who will be running one of his Shelby's since the Pantera engine is out.
  • Paul Katchadourian running in his Viper (at least there is a "P" in the name)
  • Bringing up the support team for NORC will be John (JB) Bentley and Peter (the German) Menyhart.

In other events, Team Pantera Racing is looking to have representation at BBORR fromk Steve Hawkinson with a potential cameo from Mad Dog Antenucci as co-pilot.  Mark Skwarek may be the only Pantera in the SORC this year, but any year a Pantera gets into that exclusive race, is a good year.  In any case, the midwest good ol' Pantera boys will be right there with Mark making sure it all goes well.

For the SSCC in September, the roster is still being firmed up, but for certain the man who's been to more open road races than Carter has Liver pills, will be Dennis Antenucci.  Hopefuls include Mark Skwarek who is on the cusp of a deserved win in a much higher speed class, Gerry Romack who ends up with more fun than one man shoulid stand at our age, potentially Lee Peterson in his Pantera with an engine refresh, John Bentley with a new and killer engine of his own, and more than likely Paul Kathadourian in his Viper.  Again, the support crew will probably consist of Asa Jay (AJ) Laughton and Peter Menyhart.

2021 is shaping up to be a great year.  If yoiu've not raced open road yet, this is the year to do in a Pantera.  The shirt alone will be worth the entry fee.


Last Updated on Sunday, 07 March 2021 11:37
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