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If your not on the edge, you're taking up space

If your not on the edge, you're taking up space

Upcoming ORR Events:

Big Bend Open Road Race
Past; next race TBA
We have 8 guests online

Favorite TPR Speed Class


2018 TPR Sponsoship

katch environmental logo

We wish to thank Katch Environmental for sponsoring Team Pantera Racing in this year's Sandhills Open Road Challenge and Silver State Classic Challenge.  This marks their fourth year of sponsorship.

Written by Laurie   
Saturday, 27 April 2019 09:22

Greetings Racers,

Hope everyone's well and enjoying this awesome Springtime.  My first official duty has been learning to navigate through this website. Now that I've figured how to post whatever I like, we're in for a lot of fun (trouble) now.

This is of immediate IMPORTANCE! My first obligation is forwarding a reminder from our fearless barking leader, the Dawg (alternate wording selected for the *F word, however).  Here it is:

Even if you have reservations for SEPTEMBER you need to RE-CONFIRM.... yes you heard that right, RECONFIRM your reservation and get a confirmation # because if you are staying at Hotel Nevada they cancelled all the room reservations for some *messed-up reason at the MAY NORC, so ideally do it NOW and re-check again after NORC which is middle of May!

Thanks for listening,

Get ready, get set, GO... it's a grand racing season!!!!

Over and Out,


Last Updated on Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:17
New TPR President for 2019-2020 ORR Seasons PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 23 April 2019 05:47

I am happy to announce that Laurie "Ferrari" Basile is taking the Presidents helm from Bob Radefeld who's done an impecible job as President, encourager and leader of the Central TPR division representing us at the Sandhills Open Road Challenge for more years than I can remember.  Most of you already know Laurie who is the only woman Pantera owner/driver to have ever started and completed an open road race and she has done that twice. Laurie has also published numerous articles in the POCA and Ferrari Owners Club monthly periodicals.

Laurie just wrote to confirm her draft of a new history book about Team Pantera Racing with color photographs, including information on the members and the events.  She expects it to be published shortly. With all her racing, business, community, media, photography and writing skills she will not only be an asset in her new role but will help expand and report what we are and have been doing since 1989.

Laurie can be reached through ou contact form. With Race Season in full swing please send your photographs and stories to Laurie.

Congratulations Laurie!

Also in the news, our webmaster Asa Jay has an expanded community role of late, in addition to a new promotion at work.  This keeps him extremely busy, but will still work to make the SSCC Event in September.  Even so, he still tries to put in a little time for our web site.  If you can help in any way, please send your articles to either Laurie, or Asa.

Your Dawg in Charge,

Mad Dog

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 April 2019 05:53
Dawg's in the Northwest PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 03 April 2019 19:53
The Mad Dog has moved to the Pacific Northwest.  Now residing in a secure location near Portland Oregon, the Pantera driving race fanatic is now recruiting other Pantera owners/drivers into local open track events.  His plan is to mix it up with other Panteras and use the local events as a recruiting tool to get more interest into Open Road Racing.
The lastest decoded communique from the underground bunker follows:
Right now we have 4 Pantera's registered to run at Portland International Raceway Friday, May 3. And we have two more members (Mary Ann Antenucci and Doug Braun) planning to run their 'other' rides which should be just as much fun. 
The link below includes 31 entries to date. 
But of that number there are only 4 vintage automobiles entered and they are All DeTomaso Panteras! Think about that, as it is something we can all be proud of. That example pretty much follows every other open track or open road race event I have participated in up and down the west coast. No club ever shows up to race 3 or more vintage automobiles. It just doesn't happen EXCEPT with owner's of Pantera's.  
So if you miss the link here are those planning to run:
1.    Allen "Dick" Abraham
        1974 Pantera GTS
2.    Matthew Abraham
        1974 Pantera L
3.    Randy Grubb
        1974 Pantera L
4.    Mad Dawg
        1972 Pantera 
5.    Mary Ann Antenucci
        2018 Alfa Romeo Stelvio
6.    Doug Braun
        2015 Ford Focus ST
Others I know who are working/wrenching/painting/polishing a Pantera are Lee Peterson, Ron Wade, and Dave Londry. and probably others who are flying under the radar or those I forgot....but honestly when the SoCal boyz can't get more then one Pantera to Willow Springs what you guys have done is again something pretty cool.
And registration is still OPEN so if you think you can still get your Pantera or any other ride ready we would love to have you join us for the fun on that day. I think certain members of our group may have already placed some wagers of which I know nothing about 
But its all about having some fun and enjoying some camaraderie.  And that is exactly what we are going to do.
Everyone else?
Come out and join us. 
Remember - there are two Novice groups (Beginner and Intermediate) and one advanced race group for experienced racers and one other test & tune  group for driver's with a race license. 
Send your questions or comments on the event,directly to me.
Good Times,

Mad Dawg Antenucci
Northwest Pantera's & Team Pantera Racing
Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 April 2019 20:04
2018 SSCC a Winner PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 20 September 2018 09:56

The 2018 running of the Silver State Classic Challenge (SSCC) is in the history books with four Panteras participating and two finishing, one with a second-place trophy in the 120 MPH class.  Despite hardships encountered by all Pantera drivers, the event was still a great time to get together and bask in the glow of Pantera ownership, camaraderie and serious racing.  Mark Skwarek, Gerry Romack, John Bentley and Dennis Antenucci all brought their Panteras to run in this year's race, and each has a story to take home.

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Mark Skwarek travels the longest distance of any Pantera racer, all the way from Connecticut.  To prepare for this year's race, Mark had his engine removed to find cracked pistons, broken rocker arms, broken lifter links and other smaller issues.  After having his engine builder sort it all out, he came to SSCC to take on the 160 MPH class in his Orange and Black Pantera.  Mark has participated in many Sandhills Open Road Challenge (SORC) races and sports a personalized license plate with "SORC" on it.  The Tech inspectors at SSCC were hesitant to let him pass tech unless he took the license plate off, but eventually let him through, in a bit of competitive ribbing.  Mark was pretty much ensured a trophy since there were only three cars in his class.  Unfortunately, Mark noticed problems with how the engine was running at speed, apparently from a fuel problem and he decided to terminate his run at about 25 miles into the course.  After the race was over, he drove the Pantera toward the finish line at the posted speed limit without issues and met up with Peter Menyhart who was driving Mark's trailer to pick him up.  Disappointed in the early withdrawal from the race, Mark is nonetheless excited to come back and make the challenge again.

Gerry Romack, the current President of the Pantera Owners Club of America is the Pantera driver with the second longest distance driven, hailing from Illinois.  For this year's race, Gerry worked on repairs to his brake system along with some engine changes for smoother operation on the street without sacrificing much on the top end.  He also added a new set of 5-point racing harnesses so he could enter the 120 MPH class.  Everything was going Gerry's way until he got to the start line, where the green flag was waved and immediately got the red flag in a burst of steam from the radiator.  In his later forensic analysis, Gerry found the fan controller appeared to have failed, leading to excessive heat build-up in the cooling system, which let go at the start line.

Since Gerry's trailer was at the finish line, he found a ride on an empty trailer belonging to one of the unlimited drivers.  They brought his car to the finish were it was transferred to his trailer.  Later at the SSCC banquet, Gerry was honored with the SSCC Hard Luck award, a bit to his embarrassment, but it showed the determination of open road racers to prepare and get to the start line, even if they don't manage to finish.  The team would like to encourage Gerry to keep the faith and perhaps come back next year to challenge the 120 MPH class for a trophy.

Dennis Antenucci used his off-season time to have his engine completely checked-out, the fuel injection system re-tuned, new harnesses put in, completely new brake system installed, and get a fender fixed.  The fender incident occurred when his Pantera was being offloaded from its trailer just a few weeks prior to the race.  Undaunted as he always is, the Mad Dog in him simply scheduled time with his bodyman to do a quick repair making the Pantera look whole, with a post-SSCC follow-up appointment to smooth it all out properly along with a repaint.  In year's past, the oil pressure and temperature in Dennis' Pantera had been running right where he wants it, but in the race just prior, he felt it was running too hot.  With the help of David Adin and Asa Jay Laughton in person with Dennis' Pantera, and Russ Fulps (Dennis' engine builder) remotely via email, the team check the placement of the temperature sending unit as well as the oil pressure unit.  All seemed fine.

During the race this year, Dennis noted the temperatures ran between 220 and 230 the entire time, with the occasional peak near 240 at higher speeds.  This range was comfortable to Dennis and allowed him to finish the race fastest in his class again this year.  His Pantera ran beautifully for the race, unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for his trailer, which blew a hub on the way from Ely to the finish line.  With the help of other racers, Dennis was able to limp the trailer to Las Vegas where repairs we made Monday afternoon prior to heading home.  Despite that expensive setback, Dennis had a great time at SSCC this year and will of course be encouraging others to again come next year.  He may also show up for the Nevada Open Road Challenge (NORC) in May, which has been turned into a two-way race.  It's Dennis' fiery brand of leadership that keeps Panteras coming to this event year after year.  Soon, the Pantera will be one of few brands older than 45 years old showing up to these races, turning heads, and making waves.

In 2014, John Bentley experienced an on-course loss of oil pressure and exceeding high oil temps that forced him to terminate his run about 30 miles in.  From that moment, he dedicated himself to finding a new 351C engine block and building a new and stronger engine.  He nearly made the 2017 race until a broken stud prevented him from replacing the starter just a week prior.  John took that opportunity to use the next year to double-check, re-tune and get his Pantera as ready as possible for the SSCC race in 2018.  As the team anxiously waited for his arrival in Ely, John experienced a flat tire on his trailer coming in.  After quickly changing to a spare, he met up with the team just a little later than expected.  John later had the tire replaced in Ely, giving him two spare tires for the return home.  Come race day, John was the star as the team later found he had managed to take second place in the 120 MPH class with a time variance of 0.4318 seconds.

Unfortunately, John wasn't at the awards banquet in Las Vegas, electing to drive back to Ely, load his trailer and drive home to be back to work on Monday.  In a "double-unfortunately" bit of bad luck, John would need those two spare trailer tires.  Somewhere outside of Ely on his way home at about 2 pm, John's borrowed trailer had it's second flat tire of the trip.  He quickly changed out one of the spares and was back on the road.  Later that same night, still on the road home, the trailer blew tire number three for the trip at about 10 pm. This used up the final spare tire he had available.  After changing it out, John made it safely home.  Dennis will deliver the second-placeTrophy to John the next time he sees him.

The team would also like to recognize Paul Katchadourian who again offered a level of sponsorship to Team Pantera Racing, as well as taking part racing his own Viper and coming in fastest in his class.  Also in attendance this year was Laure Basile who acted as a team photographer throughout the event and posted many of them to various forums or facebook pages.  The team extends its thanks to Laurie for helping spread the word about Panteras in open road race events.  David Adin also came over from Durango to lend his experience, assistance and take photos of the team at the start line of the race.  Peter Menyhart came as usual to lend an experienced hand and let the team know he's shooting to have his Pantera ready for next year; he's closer than ever.

All Pantera drivers put out an extraordinary effort to make the SSCC race this year, especially Mark and Gerry for travelling the longest distance only to come short of finishing the race.  The extraordinary trailer failures experienced by both John and Dennis are also hurdles that had to be overcome both to get to the race and to get home.  In terms of time spent, efforts expended, and obstacles overcome, each of these drivers exemplified the spirit of the Iron Man in open road racing and are deserving of Team Pantera Racing's highest honor.

2018 dinner

Last Updated on Thursday, 20 September 2018 11:34
2018 Getting Ready for Silver State PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 26 August 2018 14:42

It's time once again for the Team Pantera Racing pre-event countdown.  Things are heating up in the garage as each participant gets ready for their next run down highway 318 through the Nevada desert.  This year the team has the following folks on board and making final adjustments to their Pantera:

Mark Skwarek, returning with a recently refreshed engine will once again take on the highest speed bracket for the team this year.l

John Bentley has worked out the little gremilns that plagued his transmission bellhousing last year and has already made several test runs and is in the process of doing a final dyno tune to be ready for this year.

Rumor has it the President of the Pantera Owners Club of America, Gerry Romack will again join uis with some engine mods and other updates to his Pantera.

Not least of all will be Dennis Antenucci returning in his Pantera a with a newely refreshed engine, brakes and other top-secret go-fast goodies.

Rounding out the team, whether or not they race, will be Peter Menyhart, Asa Jay Laughton, Laurie Basille, David Adin and potentially one of our "Crazy Dave's" at large.

MDengine2018 JB2018

Last Updated on Sunday, 26 August 2018 15:23
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