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If your not on the edge, you're taking up space

If your not on the edge, you're taking up space

Upcoming ORR Events:

Big Bend Open Road Race
Past; next race TBA
We have 21 guests online

Favorite TPR Speed Class


2018 TPR Sponsoship

katch environmental logo

We wish to thank Katch Environmental for sponsoring Team Pantera Racing in this year's Sandhills Open Road Challenge and Silver State Classic Challenge.  This marks their fourth year of sponsorship.

2019 SSCC Recap and Report PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mad Dawg Antenucci   
Saturday, 21 September 2019 19:46

Morning My Peeps,

Got home last evening and wanted to share how we did this last week in Ely Nevada.

Asa and Paul and the Dawg all arrived in Ely early this year with our cars... followed by Gerry hauling from home in Illinois and Mark from Connecticut. And Randy from Oregon.

Randy, Paul and I had an easy week because we didn't have to repair anything. LOL

But Gerry rolled in trailer hub brakes making noise. And Asa (Master Chief mechanic immediately put on his work clothes and proceeded to repair all 4 trailer hubs and get some spare 10-ply trailer tires from Lance at the Goodyear shop which was a two day exercise but he was able to get all the parts he needed thereby saving GERRY hundreds of dollars. By the way Asa has been nominated for this year's Iron Man Award....yea We are changing the rules again.

During Tech Inspection one of the tech inspectors asked us to check our front wheel bearings on Gerry and Dawg's Panteras which Asa verified as being safe to go after pulling wheels and inspecting.

Mark had to replace a fuel pump and reJet a new custom race carburetor. But Mark got all of that done and then we had a good time hanging with "Rookie Randy" who was a good sport even when we forced him to go to the Green Lantern with us. partying with the Brazilian Girls since Laurie didn't make it to Ely.

All four Pantera's and Paul's Viper all passed tech and Made it to the start line.
Mark after a few miles into the course noticed water temp going high so he wisely shut the Pantera down.

But Gerry, Randy and The Dawg all had good runs. None of us came close to nailing our goal speeds but Paul and the Dawg were fastest in their selected Division Speed classes.

My 11 year old throttle body butterfly's are rattling like a snake and have to be rebuilt so IR-EFI wasn't running as well as I had liked but happy with completing the run and as Asa always says "Dawg was fastest in his class again"

Okay here is the formal results

PAUL averaged 157.13837 MPH with a time variance of 31.6600...again fastest in his division class. Mumbled something about all most dropping his cigar and beer in the Viper trying to turn AC off and radio on.

DAWG's Pantera C8 averaged 131.1217 MPH with a time variance of 21.3209...again like a Paul being fastest in his division class. Received counseling from Race director but threw my arms up saying me no understand.

GERRYS Pantera averaged 124.4691 MPH with a tune variance of 11.0553. In fairness to GERRY he came closest to his goal speed average but as it turned out at the start line the race organizers got cars out of the wrong order and Gerry found himself behind a SLOW Car he thought better of passing but finding out later that driver was not in GERRY's 125 Class but the slower 120 Class Group. Otherwise he could won, placed or shown.

RANDY's beautiful Orange Pantera running the WEBER carburetors and then all aluminum deck lid and front spoilers that Randy fabricated by hand averaged 107.4874 MPH In the 110 class with a time variance of 68.8520 there by winning the time variance Award in fairness to Randy he was hobbled by rookie speed limits otherwise he would have been faster then all of us.

So slackers JB, Peter, Tim, Laurie, and Lee didn't have Pantera's there this year but I Always felt their spirit animal near all the time.

And wait a minute Peter (aka The German) was there with the TPR support vehicle doing beer, water and parts runs. And he gets a ferry award for all most being ready LOL.

That is about it. Laurie did join us at the Banquet dinner in Vegas where MARK won the “Hard Luck Award” this year. But I know Mark will be back bigger and badder then ever before to break my 166 MPH average record to get his hands on the $10,000 dollars in prize money Asa holds in the TPR vault but forgot to bring this year.

PS to JB - the Ford Dealership is still for sale!

Here’s some photos...I know Peter and Asa have more.











Last Updated on Saturday, 21 September 2019 20:03
2019 SSCC Race Prep PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 27 August 2019 18:15

After an interesting 2018 with several trailer flat tires, a blown trailer hub, fuel problems and other hard luck, Team Pantera Racing is returning to the Silver State Classic Challenge (SSCC) with a larger and even more prepared crew.  The trailers have been checked, the cars have been prepped, and they even have enough participants to enter the SSCC Team Challenge.

Dennis "Mad Dawg" Antenucci has managed to round up a new group of Pantera enthusiasts from hitherto unknown parts of the country.  Each member will be taking a seperate and secret route to the race, all converging in Ely Neveda.   In addition, we have some returning members who will again challenge the 90 miles of open road at new speeds.  This may be the year we have a winner of the $10,000 prize purse for the Pantera driver who goes faster than Mad Dawg's 160 mph*.

It's sure to be a fun time.  Some team members will be arriving earlier in the week and making sure the TPR headquarters is set up, clean and ready to go. Stay tuned for more.

*qualifications for winning the $10,000 prize is subject to the whims of Mad Dawg

New Team Pantera Racing Book PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 08 May 2019 18:20


The Pantera Racing Commemorative Album

Get your fact-filled 40 page TPR book with highlights of the 2018 Silver State Challenge plus many nostalgic photos from the past.

For a limited time, receive an included copy of “Fast Cats” article describing Jim Kilpatrick’s two 1000 hp Panteras (POCA President from 1987-88) from rare out of print 1993 magazine.

View a PDF of the flyer.

$45. Includes shipping to USA
For details on how to order, please contact Laurie Basile via our Contact Form.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 May 2019 18:47
Written by Laurie   
Saturday, 27 April 2019 09:22

Greetings Racers,

Hope everyone's well and enjoying this awesome Springtime.  My first official duty has been learning to navigate through this website. Now that I've figured how to post whatever I like, we're in for a lot of fun (trouble) now.

This is of immediate IMPORTANCE! My first obligation is forwarding a reminder from our fearless barking leader, the Dawg (alternate wording selected for the *F word, however).  Here it is:

Even if you have reservations for SEPTEMBER you need to RE-CONFIRM.... yes you heard that right, RECONFIRM your reservation and get a confirmation # because if you are staying at Hotel Nevada they cancelled all the room reservations for some *messed-up reason at the MAY NORC, so ideally do it NOW and re-check again after NORC which is middle of May!

Thanks for listening,

Get ready, get set, GO... it's a grand racing season!!!!

Over and Out,


Last Updated on Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:17
New TPR President for 2019-2020 ORR Seasons PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 23 April 2019 05:47

I am happy to announce that Laurie "Ferrari" Basile is taking the Presidents helm from Bob Radefeld who's done an impecible job as President, encourager and leader of the Central TPR division representing us at the Sandhills Open Road Challenge for more years than I can remember.  Most of you already know Laurie who is the only woman Pantera owner/driver to have ever started and completed an open road race and she has done that twice. Laurie has also published numerous articles in the POCA and Ferrari Owners Club monthly periodicals.

Laurie just wrote to confirm her draft of a new history book about Team Pantera Racing with color photographs, including information on the members and the events.  She expects it to be published shortly. With all her racing, business, community, media, photography and writing skills she will not only be an asset in her new role but will help expand and report what we are and have been doing since 1989.

Laurie can be reached through ou contact form. With Race Season in full swing please send your photographs and stories to Laurie.

Congratulations Laurie!

Also in the news, our webmaster Asa Jay has an expanded community role of late, in addition to a new promotion at work.  This keeps him extremely busy, but will still work to make the SSCC Event in September.  Even so, he still tries to put in a little time for our web site.  If you can help in any way, please send your articles to either Laurie, or Asa.

Your Dawg in Charge,

Mad Dog

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 April 2019 05:53
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