Written by Bob Radefeld
Tuesday, 20 November 2012 20:18 |
Okay DaWgY and fellow ORR's, we had an unbelievably FUN time at the Sandhills Open Road Challenge. All of our group finished the race with no problems this year which is what we always shoot for. Taking a plaque is only secondary to having as much FUN as possible, so, here's how we all finished:
Rowdy............ 16th in the 90 mph class out of 19 cars, in the Pantera
Budly............. 14th in the 90 mph class out of 19 cars, in his Pantera
Godfather....... 18th in the 95 mph class out of 19 cars, in mommys Porsche yet AGAIN!!!)
Mark & Jim...... 13th in the 110 mph class out of 19 cars, in a 2005 Noble
Here's a link to TV station coverage of the race.
Here are the official results:
Name |
Target Speed |
North MPH |
North Time |
South MPH |
South Time |
Bud Hower |
90MPH |
90.376 |
19:03.230 |
88.792 |
17:58.477 |
Bob Radefeld |
90MPH |
90.891 |
18:56.744 |
90.633 |
17:36.567 |
Frank Cirrincione |
95MPH |
100.398 |
17:09.102 |
100.347 |
15:54.285 |
Jim Wallace |
110MPH |
107.997 |
15:56.693 |
Mark Skwarek |
110MPH |
110.227 |
14:28.749 |
You can read more about Team Pantera Racing adventures at the Sandhills Open Road Challenge in the 2010 No. 4 issue of the POCA magazine Profiles. |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 16:37 |
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 04 August 2012 22:01 |
Where are our manners?
Once again, Team Pantera Racing members from the midwest are heading to the Sandhills Open Road Challenge. This year we have three members committed to go and we wish them all the luck in the world.
The Sandhills Open Road Challenge is one of the best Open Road Races there is. It's a two-stage, there and back again race with an intermission between the two legs of the course. Plenty of twists and straight open road... and unforgiving ditches on either side. Many drivers claim this race to have some of the most beautiful scenery of any open road race in America today.
The town of Arnold Nebraska has benefit from this race so much in years past, they are very happy and very helpful in hosting the race each year. Most townsfolk come out to help with tech, put decals on cars, put on a parade and barbecues. Since there are no hotels in Arnold, they even open up their homes to host the drivers for the event. It's all around a great time.
Wish our drivers luck.
Written by Asa Jay Laughton
Sunday, 08 July 2012 11:21 |
In what is shaping up to be a spectacular return to the Silver State Classic Challenge, Team Pantera Racing has an unconfirmed field of six drivers -and- "Cafe' Finito" for the finish line. Not wishing to disappoint their adoring fans, the 25th running of SSCC will feature the likes of TPR not seen in 10 years. Veterans and fans alike do not want to miss this year's running.
Team Pantera Racing is the first, and still the only vintage race team to field 10 examples of production cars from the era. TPR President Dennis (Mad Dawg) Antenucci is working hard to repeat that success this year. So much so in fact he has offered a $10,000 award to -any- other race team that can field 10 cars from the period prior to 1974. No team has done it since Team Pantera Racing, and Mad Dawg feels confident no team ever will. During that record breaking attendance of Panteras, TPR also sponsored "Cafe' Finito," an Italian diner on wheels.
The 2012 running of the SSCC will see the return of Cafe' Finito with a newer and larger rig. All TPR members will have access to complimentary beverages and food at the finish line. All others must pay for entry, and then submit to Mad Dawg's will before being allowed entry. We're being told this season may also see the return of the Brazilian Girls who have been absent on occasion at these events.
This is the year you don't want to miss. If you are a Veteran of TPR or a groupie, you had better make plans now to attend this 25th running of the Silver State Classic Challenge. Go all the way, or go home.
No one gets out alive. |
Last Updated on Monday, 09 July 2012 10:38 |
March 2012 Willow Springs Reports |
Written by Mad Dawg Antenucci
Sunday, 04 March 2012 19:53 |
Jim & Shari Saxton's West Coast Racing Event (previously known as the Ferrari/Pantera Clubs joint event) was a blast yesterday.
A real bargain for $145 for one day or $215 for two days. I could hardly believe there is a photo of 20 Pantera's and their owners on the wall in the cafeteria....in the photo the Pantera's are all lined up on the track from 20 years ago....I don't know who the drivers were because all of them were young skinny guys with hair....someone told me the guy standing next to the black Pantera was me and that the black Pantera next to me was mine but that could not of been me because that guy in the photo had hair....lots of hair! ;-]>
Okay, Willow, if you haven't been there before has a great 2.5 mile 9-turn course with elevation changes and two long front and rear straights...a great track for a Pantera. Yea, for that little money Jim & Sheri'strack event is a allota bang for the buck.
It was the first track event that I ran in Socal in 1992 after I moved to Huntington Beach from SF. Sheri always puts on a big lunch at no additional cost and she spent allot of time just wondering around checking with drivers all day if they needed anything or had any problems....They offered me their garage....they asked me several times if I needed anything.....Yea I know I look like I need help.....and do.....but seriously Sheri is the Track Mom of all track moms.....and it was her chocolate chip cookies that helped. ;-]>
Last Updated on Sunday, 04 March 2012 19:58 |
Written by Asa Jay Laughton
Friday, 03 February 2012 19:23 |
Hey all,
For those wishing to stretch the legs on their favorite cat, here is an event you might not have been aware of:
Jim Saxton Open Track Event at Willow Springs March 3-4, 2012...(West Coast Racing)
Contact Jim 626-285-2515....email
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Asa Jay |
Last Updated on Friday, 03 February 2012 19:44 |
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