Silver State Results, September 1998

Team Pantera Racing

The First and still the ONLY vintage-race team, in the eleven-year history of the events, to finish all team cars in both the Nevada Open and Silver State Road Race events

September 1998 Silver State Classic Challenge Open Road Race Results

The Silver State Classic Challenge Open Road Race included 158 participants, 131 of whom completed the event. Fourteen of the drivers entered in the event are members of Team Pantera Racing.

Of all Pantera's ever made, .0017% (give or take) completed the September 1998 event. Only 35 Corvettes finished. If the same percentage of all Corvettes ever manufactured had finished, over 5100 Corvette's would have had to finish the event. Given this statistic, when one (1) Pantera finished a race, 570 (That's FIVE-HUNDRED SEVENTY!) Corvette's would have to finish in order to equal the enthusiasm of any one Pantera owner!

Of the twelve (12) TPR cars that were allowed to complete their run down the course, two (2) members (Greg Sullivan and Mike Trusty) did not finish ("DNF") due to mechanical failures.

Due to poor road conditions, Kelly Sievers' accident and time constraints, the race was suspended. All participants in the Unlimited and Super Sport Divisions were not allowed to complete their scheduled runs. This included Dennis Antenucci in the 160 MPH Class and Charlie Puckett in the 155 MPH Class.

Team Pantera Racing was the FIRST Team to ever start and finish ten (10) or more cars of the same marquee. TPR is STILL the ONLY Vintage Team to finish ten (10) or more cars of the same marquee.

In the September 1998 event, TPR had two First Place finishes. In the Grand Sport Division (130 MPH Class), Mike Anderson completed the event with a 130.041 MPH average. Mike had a 00.69 time variance from his target speed/time. Curt Toumanian, in the Touring Division (105 MPH Class), had a 104.998 MPH average speed and a 00.06 time variance for his target speed/time. Of the 158 participants, Curt's time variance was the best over all.

Following is a summary of the September '98 race results:

1. Mike Anderson 1ST PLACE in 130 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 130.041 Variance: 0.0406 MPH Radar Speed: 101 MPH
2. Curt Toumanian 1ST PLACE in 105 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 104.998 Variance: 0.0024 MPH Radar Speed: 97 MPH
3. Erik Belter 2ND PLACE in 125 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 124.707 Variance: 0.2931 MPH Radar Speed: 130 MPH
4. Brock Tella 2ND PLACE in 115 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 115.626 Variance: 0.6262 MPH Radar Speed: 134 MPH
5. Dan Courtney 4TH PLACE in 125 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 125.777 Variance: 0.7775 MPH Radar Speed: 127 MPH
6. Pedro Martini 5TH PLACE in 110 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 110.268 Variance: 0.2682 MPH Radar Speed: 115 MPH
7. Larry Stock 18TH PLACE in 110 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 112.630 Variance: 2.6303MPH Radar Speed: 133 MPH
8. David Crego 5TH PLACE in 100 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 99.704 Variance: 0.2956 MPH Radar Speed: 117 MPH
9. Daniel Miller 6TH PLACE in 100 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 99.689 Variance: 0.3109 MPH Radar Speed: 85 MPH
10. Lee Youngflesh 10TH PLACE in 100 MPH CLASS  
  MPH Average: 98.785 Variance: 1.2145 MPH Radar Speed: 96 MPH
11. Mike Trusty "DNF" in 130 MPH CLASS  
12. Greg Sullivan "DNF" in 115 MPH CLASS  
13. Dennis Antenucci "DNS" in 160 MPH CLASS  
14. Charlie Puckett "DNS" in 165 MPH CLASS