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2020 Spring Report PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 08 June 2020 18:59
Morning My Peeps,

Here is the Spring 2020 TPR update.
This last Sunday had Randy Grubb running his Pantera at Oregon Raceway Park (ORP) in Grass Valley, Oregon. The first Pantera on the track in the Pacific Northwest that I know of.
IMG 20200529 151503717 HDR Lee ‘Rookie‘ Peterson from Salem and I drove out to hang with and cheer Randy on and as usual Randy and the weather did not disappoint. He and his built 351-C ran hard all day long.
The beauty of this private 2.3 mile course is that it's not heavily booked. On that Sunday there were fewer then a dozen cars running and yet there was an ambulance standing by and great course workers to ensure safety was maintained at all times. But it was Randy and the drivers and not outside organizers who led the event by example...meaning safety first but with no draconian club rules, much more track time and more fun.
Like all the open track and road events, it isn’t racing; drivers were well spaced on the OPR course just having a good time all day. Randy is waiting for summer/fall schedules but we’re tentatively planning a TPR Club BBQ before the year is out.
Chance for more of us to get together under no stress, no pressure to have a good time. Randy will also be returning again this year to Silver State.
In other news, JB finished his engine build and looking at a June install back in his ‘Ol Yella’. With the help of Asa Jay Laughton my Pantera is running the roads and hills again. Need to fix a charging and suspension issue which will be done well before the next open track or road challenge but happy she is running so well, thanks Asa!
Hearing news that former POCA president and TPR veteran Gerry Romack may be bringing an original 1991 Pantera 90 Si this year to Silver State which would be a first ever. Veteran Mark Skwark and the Owner of the latest and fastest ORR Pantera is making very few modifications to his Pantera. And of course the SSCC Event shirts this year feature Marks brilliant orange and black Pantera.
Others wrenching as I write this report are Rookie Lee Pedersen who also has a yellow Pantera (Who doesn’t have yellow?) and will be joining us for the first time in Ely Nevada. Lee is a veteran of many open track and drag races in both his Pantera as well Shelby and other Ford powered muscle.
Other California veterans like Paul Katchadourian, Laurie “Ferrari” Basile, Peter Menyhart and early Silver State veterans Pete Beckham and Charlie Puckett are also planning to return this year. When you add in John Bentley this is more California veterans attending then I have seen in years.
Thinking about joining us in September? Be sure to get reservations ASAP in Ely at the Hotel Nevada or one of the other many down town motels. Also go to the Silver State Classic web site for event rules and lodging information.
In spite of a heart wrenching pandemic and civil unrest this Spring, I am happy to welcome all of you back this year. If you have any questions please reach out to Asa or myself soon.
Let the rest of the year be filled with love and healing.
Mad Dawg Antenucci Team Pantera Racing
Last Updated on Monday, 08 June 2020 19:16
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