Written by Asa Jay Laughton
Saturday, 25 May 2013 15:24 |
The 2013 Nevada Open Road Challenge (NORC) was attended by Mark (The Professor) Skwarek and Dennis (Mad Dawg) Antenucci. The Dawg has been shuttling around with a new contract job and wasn't able to bring his Pantera for this event. This may have been the first event Dennis has missed in many years, but he still managed to attend and play pit-crew for Mark who was ready an rearin' to go. This illustrates the enthusiasm Dennis carries and tries to foster among those Pantera owners who wish to race in Open Road events such as this.

Mark entered the 125 class this year and finished with an average of 118.51 due to a small engine problem during the race. It seem he lost an oil breather on one of the valve covers. Driving at speed to average 125 caused so much oil fog that Mark had to drop it down a notch and reduce the oil blowing out. At the lower speed he wasn't causing a hazard on course and was still able to finish the entire 90 mile course.

With this successful run Mark can again move up in classes. He's already beginning to talk about taking on the Unlimited division in the near future.
More photos can be seen in the Gallery. Good Job Mark!
Last Updated on Friday, 12 July 2013 15:01 |