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If your not on the edge, you're taking up space

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2011 SORC Review PDF Print E-mail
Written by Bob Radefeld   
Sunday, 15 January 2012 12:31
I'm sorry to say that our well laid plans for TPR participation in this wonderful ORR began unraveling even before the beginning of our trip North to Arnold, NE.  Frank (Godfather) had last minute difficulties with the installation of a new radiator to replace a leaky stocker that reared it's ugly head just several days before his departure date from Nashville.  So, for the forth year in a row he found it necessary to head out in his "fake Pantera" (Mommy's Porsche) to do battle at the race. Upon arrival at Bud's (7-banger) home in Whiting, KS. the boys discovered that Bud's newly built engine was woefully low on cylinder pressure on all eight cylinders and in no shape for a road trip, let alone an ORR thrashing!  At that point it was lucky that Bud was able to snag a ride with Frank to even be able to make it up to the event, let alone compete.

I was able to begin my solo journey North on time and had a pleasant and uneventful trip to Arnold on Wednesday morning.  Just before my arrival in Arnold I put in a quick call to Bud to determine where the boys had settled in (as if I didn't already know!) and found that they had already started paying rent at Jim's Bar on Main Street. I parked my car at the hunting trailer where Bud and our two East Coast Pantera brothers would be staying and hoofed it over to the Bar. There I found a frustrated and unhappy dynamic duo trying their best to drown out their sorrows by drinking up all of Jim's daily supply of beer. We all hung out there until I got a call from Mark at 10:00 PM that they were on the outskirts of town at which time I made a mad dash to meet them and lead them to the trailer. As soon as I had them parked, Frank and Bud had unglued their fanny's from their bar stools and hoofed it back. After proper introductions it was decided that our next move would be to break up the party and all get some much needed sleep in order to be somewhat awake the next day.

Thursday morning dawned as a beautiful day amd Mark, Frank and I all easily passed tech and proceeded to another location for application of our car #'s and sponsor decals. There was then a "first timers" meeting that Mark and Jim were required to attend in the afternoon. Shortly after that we all were required to attend another racers' meeting before proceeding to a welcoming BBQ in the local park. It was right after this last meeting that my car decided it had a mind of its own and didn't want to get thrashed on in the race. Upon driving back to the trailer from the meeting it died and luckily I ended up coasting to the hunting trailer where it remained in the same spot until Sunday morning when we FINALLY got it running again.....BOO-HISS!!! I'll save all of the ugly details concerning getting it running again for a more comprehensive report to Asa for publication on the TPR website soon. Needless to say I was a VERY unhappy camper but later VERY happy that I was at least able to get the cat back home on Sunday!

Let me just add to what Bud has already posted about our Pantera brothers, Mark Skwarck and Jim Wallace, in that these guys are the GREATEST!! It fell to them and them alone to uphold the tradition of at LEAST one Pantera competeing in SORC for the last 4 years in a row and they made it HAPPEN! You would be hard pressed to find more enthusiastic, affable, and Pantera savvy guys than these anywhere on Earth. Not only were they able to make an outstanding showing in the mile shootout, parade, car show and race but were MAJOR contributors to our 2-1/2 day thrashing on my dead car in order to get me home. For all these reasons, Bud,Frank and I are indebted to them and am enthusiastically hoping that they will again join us next year.

I will send a more comprehensive report to Asa soon as I said earlier for those of you that might be interested in more details. I've got a lot more to report concerning the great folks of Arnold as well as all of our other adventures during the week and weekend so stay tuned!

Bob (Rowdy) Radefeld  #5042
Last Updated on Sunday, 15 January 2012 12:40
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